8 September 2010

Posted by DMC on 8 September 2010 in Diary |

Some very good news for my friend Kit’s daughter, Rosamund Lupton.  Her first novel was published on the 2 September, in the UK, and in the first week, WH Smiths apparently sold 22,000 copies.  I gather that the book has already been translated and published in a number of other languages and that negotiations may well proceed for TV and film rights.  A genuine success story for this first time novelist.  The book incidentally is called  Sister and, although ‘my lovely’ has bought a copy, I shall probably get one online and read it on my laptop.  Congratulations to Rosamund.

Today I was supposed to be at the Law Court Branch meeting of the Arbitration Club to witness the handing over of the Certificates to the successful swimmers in the Great London Swim Event.  But, for the reasons given in an earlier entry about the difficulties in travelling on the train, I had to forego that pleasure.  However, the most important aspect of the whole affair is that these three brave souls raised over £6000 for the MND Association plus another £8000 for the Heaton-Ellis Trust, which is funded by the MND Association to carry out research into this insidious disease.  So, a good result all around..

I spoke today to Guy Smallman, HDTI, Coventry University, about the progress of my recently patented healthcare product.  Although the first people he showed it to were not interested in pursuing the idea he has at least two further major retailers who are certainly giving it serious consideration.  I should know something more positive within the next couple of weeks.

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