12 September 2010

Posted by DMC on 12 September 2010 in Diary |

Yesterday, was the ninth anniversary of the unforgettable tragedy the 9/11 destruction of the twin towers in New York with the appalling loss offer life. 

It might be considered apposite that it coincided with the last night of the Proms, which, ‘my lovely’ and I, listened to and watched  with a great deal of pleasure, in the evening.  Apart from some delightful Smetena,Dvorak and Vaugh-Williams there was the usual party atmosphere for the end of this two months season with all the fun and jingoism of Land of Hope and Glory & Jerusalem.  To me, at any rate, it was precisely the time to sing such inspirational songs to celebrate humanity’s ability to survive such tragedies, be thankful for our blessings and look forward rather than back.

In a similar vein we have recently past the 70th.  Anniversary of the Battle of Britain, the turning point in the last war, where countless  ordinary people showed immense courage and fortitude.  Again a reason for celebration.

Apart from the 12,000 Promenaders  in the Albert Hall, these final songs, including You’ll Never Walk Alone, were sung in combination with 30,000  people in Hyde Park London, 8000 in Cardiff, and 6000 each in Edinburgh and Salford. (I hope I’ve got the numbers right).  Probably one of the largest choirs ever to perform in the world.  A happy note on which to go to bed, albeit conscious of the deep sadness still being suffered by the friends and relatives all the thousands of people lost in the 9/11 tragedy.. Always remembered.

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