12 November 2010

Posted by DMC on 12 November 2010 in Diary |

I had the two Chrises  here today, Rix the electrician and    Camp the builder. Between them they are going to set up the generator so that we need not worry about power cuts this coming winter. It was fortunate that I bought this Honda generator many years ago and it was a very good model. We are actually going to have it housed in a standard metal garden storage unit outside the house which will avoid all the unpleasant exhaust fumes but it will be able to be started with a key from inside. The last few days we have suffered from very high winds and we have held our breath that our electricity did not go off due to falling trees etc. With any luck by the end of next week the generator will be up and running and then we can relax.

Hot on the heels of the generator men came our new Occupational Therapist (OT) Lynn. She has taken over from Sarah Moss who we found absolutely marvellous and I’m sure, having met Lynn, she will be equally as helpful and pragmatic. Basically, she came to instruct ‘ my lovely’ in the use of the  ‘stand up’ hoist. This relatively small and mobile unit is capable of lifting one out of a wheelchair onto a loo or plastic shower chair and back again. Equally well, it can be used to lift me  to a standing position and, as things are at present, onto the gutter frame. I realise that it will  take us a little while to get used to it but I am quite excited about the idea as it means an extension of our total independence. Alice has asked if I minded deferring our first try at this until Monday in case it all goes wrong and I’m left dangling in the air and she needs to ring up social services!

Of course I willingly go along with her as someone who is totally un-mechanical I think she is doing remarkably well with all this electrical equipment and I must do everything I can to support and demonstrate serene patience, which for me is not a natural state of affairs!

We have now had the ‘Nippy’ for a week or so and having typed out a step-by-step guide for ‘ my lovely’, she inserts  her ear plugs -as she cannot stand the sound of the alarm -and plugs me in very successfully every evening.

A nice little piece about the donation of the wheelchair to St John Ambulance, appeared in the MCC Newsletter together with a group photograph showing the handover. Unfortunately, I get all the credit although it was very much a team effort.

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1 Comment

  • Laurie Gelb says:

    Reading your comment that Alice uses earplugs to block out the NIPPV alarms made me wonder if you are aware that the alarms can be disabled, or, should you choose to keep them active, that the timing can be adjusted? You may wish to consult whomever set up the machine for you, and/or obtain a copy of the clinician’s manual so you can make your own adjustments in future.

    My husband has MND. I so much admire your dry sense of humor.

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