22 November 2010

Posted by DMC on 22 November 2010 in Diary |

The tiny baby,  now a 6 3”,46-year-old, came to lunch with Kimberly, his wife, on Sunday. It was great to see them and Kimberly was looking lovelier than ever.

Today was one of those days of coming and goings. First of all, early morning, Graham Smith, our neighbour -who is now working in Zürich –  who has been helping me with my blog, dropped in for a final session but unfortunately my domain was down so we really didn’t achieve anything.

Then Gavin, from Able 2, came to adjust my armrest which has not been functioning properly for a week or so. He did a good job and strengthened the lift function making it now much easier for me to eat one handed. I can also use this armrest on my right arm when accessing keys on the right-hand side of the laptop.

Just after lunch the housing for the generator arrived, so hopefully there is a chance that  it might be up and functioning by the end of this week or early next week. The weather has already started to turn rather nasty and cold and ‘ my lovely’ has strongly ‘suggested’ I do not go to golf tomorrow and risk catching cold. (She who must be obeyed!)

Finally, Jane (the sheep). arrived to release  Alice, for three or four hours local shopping. Each time she comes, Jane massages my hands, with an aromatic oil, in an attempt to remove some of the build-up of fluid and then stretches each arm above my head to keep the joint supple. Even a couple of times a week seems to be doing some good.

Apparently, Rosamund Lupton, author of the Sisterwhich is causing quite a stir, in the book world – had a radio interview today in Dubai with Matthew Cowdrey, Magrudy’s, Book Range Manager, which I had been instrumental in setting up, through my good friend Jeremy Brinton, who is the CEO. By all accounts the interview went well but should any of you wish to listen to  it yourself, particularly if you have read Rosamund’s book, you can do so by clicking on http://dubaieye1038.com/10246/books-3/ and listen to the last two segments.

For something entirely different you might care to watch an amusing video  EU1, where a financial expert is interviewed about the alarming debts run up by some of the EU countries, which left me with the impression that the whole pack of cards could come tumbling down at any time. I pray I am wrong.



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