1 July 2 011
Men’s semi-final day at Wimbledon, fortunately a beautifully bright dry sunny day so there was no interruption from rain. However, these two matches did not start until the afternoon and in the meantime, early-morning I had an appointment for another remote assist session with the Dragon voice activation people as this latest version is simply […]
30 June 2011
The first of the two-day national strike of public sector workers went off rather like squib only four out of the 28 public sector trade unions took part and it was mainly the schools which reflect so thousands of parents were inconvenienced and the children lost today’s education, for what effect? I suppose we should […]
The first of the two-day national strike of public sector workers went off rather like squib only four out of the 28 public sector trade unions took part and it was mainly the schools which reflect so thousands of parents were inconvenienced and the children lost today’s education, for what effect? I suppose we should […]