20 December 2011

Posted by DMC on 21 December 2011 in Diary |

This entry is being dictated straight to my blog diary for the first time for several weeks. Paul ‘the computer’ has been here most of the afternoon reconfiguring my computer in the final phase of the work he has been doing over the past two or three months to resolve my problem with Dragon. What is so exciting from my point of view is that this entry is back to its 99.9% accuracy and who knows we might even have cured or corrected the problem that seems to have defeated the best brains in Dragon for the past six months.

For those of you who’ve been following the saga you will know that I got so frustrated that I contacted the Trading Standards office claiming “fraudulent misrepresentation” in that Dragon did not inform the caller that they were paying a premium rate for the telephone call the girl having said that the service was free. My second complaint was that they had sold something to me which was not “fit for purpose” in that it did not do the job for which I purchased it. Trading standards seem to agree with both points and have undertaken to contact Dragonto get them to change their automated voice to warn people that they are paying for the telephone call at a premium rate. As to the other issue they consider that it is reasonable after such a long time for me to pursue the matter through the courts as they have no teeth themselves to take the matter any further..

As it happens, this very day before Paul arrived to do the work that he has done in reconfiguring the programs, I had an e-mail from Dragon asking for convenient date and time for what they describe as a ‘browse’ session, with their US office, which I assume will be a three-way affair. I have a couple of dates to give them but I think I’m going to leave it until after Christmas so that I can test out this new configuration thoroughly to see if I’m still suffering from the same problems. At the moment I can only say that the old Dragon that we have come to love and revere has, at least for the moment, showing all its original attributes.

No sooner then I had written this then the programme froze on me so I’m afraid I spoke rather too soon.

I got so excited about Dragon working there I forgot to mention probably the most important thing that happened worldwide today and that was the death of the North Korean President who seems to be succeeded by equally unpleasant looking son. I suppose the point is this is a nuclear empowered country with over 1 million men at arms and a further 8 million reservists. I think is the third-largest standing army in the world.

Will this son be a Gorbachev and bring this Marxist state in from the cold already, on the other hand, be a drunkard like Khruschev who was totally unpredictable and bulky that part of the world on red alert for the time being. As if we do not have enough troubles already to worry about with the global economy is tottering on the brink of disaster without having to deal with lunatic with a vast army at his disposal.

As for today’s diversion, in the light of this world shattering news there is nothing for it but to be totally frivolous. I have been quite good recently in not boring my non-golfing readers with golf stories so for a change click here to see someone who can make a golf ball literally sing and dance.



  • Christine from BC says:

    It is my turn to wish you and your lovely wife a very Merry (champagne a must!) Christmas and I’ll be here encouraging you along throughout 2012 (I am ever the optomist).

    From Vancouver Island, Bristish Columbia.

  • In dear Christine Prof D Mark Cato says:

    Dear Christine. Thank you so much for your warm festive greetings which are reciprocated to you and yours. Have a great Christmas and let us hope that we are able to exchange the same beatings this time next year.

    Thank you so much for being such a support for the blog during the year.



  • Assyifa says:

    Ali Harkness – I’m so happy to see that first picture again. I love it! I can’t wait to live cloesr hopefully sometime we’ll get to meet our friend Owen!February 8, 2010 7:59 PM

    • DMC says:

      Dear Ali. I’m sorry to say that I cannot relate to your comment. I have no recollection of someone called Owen.. No doubt if it is important you will follow up with another comment.

      Best wishes


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