13 August 2012

Posted by DMC on 14 August 2012 in Diary |

The Games are over. The triumphant Olympians are homeward bound via a special temporary terminal setup for them at Heathrow airport. This last act of transporting the 4500 competitors plus their hangers on, presented the last challenge to the organising committee, which, like all the rest of the Games, went smoothly without a hitch..

The next highlight I have to face is my birthday at Lord’s, this coming Saturday, but we pray for a fine day and tomorrow I shall do a five-day weather forecast.

There was the usual flow of people coming and going again today. With the addition of Richard (Walker, the Area Manager for Sumed, the company who hold the franchise, in the UK, for the Roho cushion.) Richard had promised to return once the work prepared to that could cushion was complete and to re-fit in it himself. Unfortunately, he failed to tell us what time. As it requires me being hoisted out of my chair, so the cushion can be substituted for the temporary one. We had to rearrange for tomorrow at a time when we can get a carer
here for the purpose.

It was announced today that as Sebastian Coe (Lord Coe) had done such a good job on organising the Olympic Games, he was to be rewarded by being appointed director of the legacy of these Games. This is a vitally important job. The nation, and that essentially means the young, are at present on a high, having been inspired by one Olympian or another, to believe that they too compete in the next Olympic Games in Rio 2016. Such youngsters have to be prepared to submit themselves to a grinding schedule of practice and training. Unless there is someone supervising this transitional period much of this enthusiasm will fade away.

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