15 November 2010
A first for a couple of things today. This was my first day working in my ‘ new office’, my study. It feels a little strange and I certainly miss my real office but looking out of the window, this morning, and seeing the frost on the ground and knowing the temperature to be just above freezing, I suppose we made the switch just about the right time. It worked well enough and I’m surrounded by my equipment and to telephones. However, I am determined not to spend all day in my study chair but to get up, at the least three times, and walk backwards and forwards the length of the house, in order to exercise my legs, otherwise I will quickly find myself permanently in a wheelchair.
The other first was using the stand-up hoist. ’My lovely’ was a little nervous about using this new equipment but she needn’t have been. It worked like a charm. Thank heavens it can fit through the narrow bathroom door and therefore is available to hoist me from the loo. At the moment I go from the standing position onto my frame but when my legs become too weak to stand she will be able to use the hoist to place me in a wheelchair, or from a wheelchair onto my study chair or, onto my bed, so this will be an immensely useful piece of equipment.