15 May 2011
With a chilly wind blowing and an overcast sky, I deferred yet again venturing out in my electric wheelchair. As a result I spent some part of the day ,at last getting to the end of Anna Karenina and am no less impressed than I was when I last made mention of this book Anna Karenina herself is a sad subplot and, like so many modern films, the book has several stories going on at the same time, but what impressed me was the way that every now and then Tolstoy branched out into some deep philosophical discussion.. For example, towards the end of the book he devotes a whole chapters to Levin’s personal battle in desperately trying to believe in God whilst all along rationalising against God’s existence and poses a number of questions with which I have personally struggled. Apart from going through all my unanswered questions about infinity, may question the existence of God, he interestingly concludes ‘… If the chief proof of the Divinity was His revelation of what is right, how is it that this revelation is confined to the Christian church alone? What relation to this revelation and the beliefs of Buddhists, Mohammedans, (Jews) who preached and are good too?’………Can these hundreds of millions of men be deprived of the blessing without which life has no meaning? (And what about the millions of people who lived before Christ, are they not too to be admitted to the Kingdom of Heaven?)
A little further on towards the end of the book there’s a whole section on the morality of going to war. Not so much one race or religion against another but the situation where innocent children, women and old people are being massacred. Tolstoy asks can we really stand by and ignore such a thing? – shades of Libya today!.Â
A thoroughly fascinating and thought provoking book which was well worth while re-reading.
After all this excitement I needed two attempts to get up out of my chair and onto my frame at 9.30 with Alice & Sam assisting. I really thought we were going to have to use a hoist but I expect it was just the panic I feel when I don’t make it first-time.
I do share your love of Anna Karenina, I like to re-read it every few years and it is probably time to read it again soon. I’m in New York, visiting from western Canada BUT still find time to read your blog, introduced my daughter to your blog, so another for your count. Wishing it would warm up for you to venture more outdoors – raining and humid here. Cheers, Christine
Well come back Christine. I missed you. I’m so you share my view of Anna Karenina. Thank you for sharing my blog with others, the more people the better.
I did get to the golf club yesterday but it was still a little chilly. Most of April was sunny and reasonably warm, maybe we’ve had our summer already. Halfway through this month and we have yet to have a warm sunny day and no rain. The farmers are getting desperate.
Have a good journey home
best wishes
Oh, I am never far away as I read your posts most days but never want to hog the message section. I’ve moved on to Toronto to stay with my doctor son, it taking 12 hours to do a 3 hour journey as electrical storms shut the Newark airport down yesterday but today the sun is shining and the temp is 19C so happiness reigns. I’m reading The Life of Samuel Johnson by James Boswell – found it in a book sale and who would know that I would be enjoying it so much.
Keep safe, you are in my thoughts. Christine