17 May 2012
So, I came through that sticky patch. Basically, I think the problem was that there were too many people involved in various aspects of my health that various fields of medicine. It seemed to me that various pills were added without giving serious consideration to side effects one in relation to the other. What has […]
15 May 2012
Readers will notice that there was no entry yesterday, nor will there be one of any substance today. I’ve been going through a low period to the reaction in taking the off the morphine patches. So rather than struggle, in my normal way, to provide some matters of interest. I just want to reassure my […]
13 May 2012
It is the most beautiful morning blue sky and warming up nicely for what promises to be a perfect summer’s day. I just hope this lasts for the weekend for the cricket, for I am to determined to go, despite the reservations by those around me. These reservations are reasonable enough, in the light of […]
12 May 2012
Another distressing night. I wake up 10:30 finding it hard to breathe through the nose respirator. There was no easy rhythm to it. As each puff of air came through I seemed to have to make an enormous effort to it into my lungs and after a little while, and whilst remembering the frightening episode […]
11 May 2012
I past the night peacefully enough, in fact, in terms of pain and was certainly one of the best nights for some time. Harriet, the boss of Ross Nursing arrived back in this country and wasted no time in coming to see us and discuss our problems and ,in particular perhaps, some changes to our […]
10 May 2012
Apologies to my readers. If you don’t want to hear me whingeing are about nausea and the effects of withdrawal from the morphine patches I suggest you skip the blog for a couple of days. So, I survived the night relatively pain-free-so much for the morphine patches! I got up at the same time and […]
9 May 2012
So, I left the reader in the state that I found myself at suppertime. It became another repeat of the previous two days when I really could not face eating anything. Beyond that I felt nauseous. After Alice had done a bit of ringing around to Ross Nursing, and attempting to speak to the on […]
8 May 2012
A second morphine patch in combination with my new smart rabbit fur lined heel protectors seem to have done the trick on the joint pain-in-bed front. I am not exactly pain-free but the last two or three nights have been far more comfortable. I think with just a little more tweaking, with the combination of […]
7 May 2012
Before I say anything else, the fact that originally there is no entry for yesterday, 6 May, was because of all the messing about we were dealing with the computer to get these new systems to work – laptop to TV; and the operation of the camera mouse – I managed to lose the draft […]
6 May 2012
Apologies, I have already broken the promise, I made to my readers, not to mention the pain aspect again, until I had some resolution, but I consider it so important that other MND sufferers, and their carers, learn where I have got to in relieving this distressing side effect. I certainly was not advised by […]