15 February 2012
I am a very happy man. today. Working through the night. good old Richard managed to recover the entire blog using a slightly different templates to the original but nevertheless it is still there. I am so relieved. For although I have the actual blog diary, as I said yesterday, the actual blog itself with […]
14. February 2012
For my overseas readers who may not celebrate St Valentines Day. I should explain that it is dedicated to love and is often observed by exchange of greeting cards, flowers and chocolates. I’m sorry to say that this was the first time in our 49 years of marriage that I have failed to produce something […]
13 February 2012
I had a relatively pain-free night despite having reduced the cortisone down to one tablet, as recommended by the good doctor. In fact, after tonight I shall stop this additional painkiller altogether. for, as Michael says, he doesn’t want to trespass on other people’s territory. Getting back to our usual routine with a flurry of […]
12 February 2012
I heard from Alice late last evening that the whole memorial service and reception afterwards and gone extremely well. She was particularly proud of son Smiler, .who endeared himself to much of the congregation by speaking some Welsh. He has been having lessons for two or three years now and I gather is making good […]
11 February 2012
I want to dedicate this entry to my dear mother-in-law without any other trivia, personal or otherwise. I never knew either of my grandmothers, so Sprig as she was known to her friends, or Mums to my generation of the family, was the nearest thing I had to the real thing. She was always kind […]
10 February 2012
Alice’s first night away and the good Dr Michael had to take over the ‘turning over’ tasks during the night. He did very well, particularly as I managed to knock the emergency button. a couple of times and had him scurrying back to all the deep minutes after he’d settle down again, so I suspect […]
9 February 2012
I am happy to report yet another painless night, whether as a result of the good doctor’s additional painkillers or not we have still yet to prove. Having said that he reduced the amount of cortisone from 4 to 3 tablets and tonight we will go down to 2 and see what is the effect. […]
8 February 2012
It was the coldest night of the year, and one of the coldest on record, something in the order of -12°C around Bedford. Ironically, it was colder here than in Sweden, which was certainly a first for Michael. On the personal front, I’m glad to say it was almost painless night for me. after the […]
7 February 2012
After all the high flown language concerning the Queen and her Diamond Jubilee I hate to start this entry on a low note. But having promised my readers that I would be entirely honest about my condition, I have no choice. if I am to honour that promise. Last night was the most painful night […]
5 February 2012
One of my regular sources of media material which I include on my blog, is Bob Foraker, who lives in America. I’m extremely grateful to Bob, as he teased me supplied with some wonderful material which I’m then able to share with my readers. However, today he sent me an Alzheimer’s test which presumably if […]