4 February 2012

Posted by DMC on 5 February 2012 in Diary |

I haven’t mentioned recently the pain that I was suffering from a night in my joints. Much of it has been alleviated by’ ‘my lovely’ coming down regularly to turn me over and therefore relieve the pressure. However, even with all this special attention . I have had one or two quite miserable nights when […]


3 February 2012

Posted by DMC on 4 February 2012 in Diary |

Here we go again with the Dragon people. They now have the audacity to write, two days ago that “Of course. we are glad to hear that Dragon seems to be working better for you at the moment. Please let us know when you have any other issues with Dragon“ Heaven knows where they got […]


2 February 2012

Posted by DMC on 3 February 2012 in Diary |

Sir Fred Goodwin, the erstwhile boss of the Royal Bank Of Scotland (RSB) has now had his knighthood .annulled (cancelled). No doubt, Mr Goodwin, was awarded this honour for ‘services to banking’, which, in the event, turned out to be presiding over the largest corporate loss ever recorded in this country, something in the order […]


1 February 2012

Posted by DMC on 2 February 2012 in Diary |

My old friend Rowan Planterose, from arbitration days, sacrificed the best part of his day to come down yesterday from London to give me lunch. Instead of popping next door to the Cricketers, as it is almost sub-zero outside/, we decided to have a light lunch in the breakfast room and not risk me catching […]


31 January 2012

Posted by DMC on 1 February 2012 in Diary |

The Eurozone mandarins have won the first round in the battle to control the budgets of the countries within the EU, and in particular those within the Eurozone itself. 25 of the 27 countries involved have signed up to the new regime leaving the UK and the Czech republic outside these controls. (As I understand […]


30 January 2012

Posted by DMC on 31 January 2012 in Diary |

A row has been brewing over the last two or three days concerning the amount of bonus it was proposed paying to the head of the Royal Bank Of Scotland. (RBS) Some readers may recall that during the great bank collapse, a couple of years ago, the government had to step in and save the […]


29 January 2012

Posted by DMC on 30 January 2012 in Diary |

Being a Sunday ‘ my lovely’ announced that today would be a’ lazy day’. How that differs, in my case from every other day, I’m not sure, but certainly it might mean that’ my lovely’ manages to sit down this afternoon and nod off in front of some golden oldie. My days. during this winter, […]


28 January 2012

Posted by DMC on 29 January 2012 in Diary |

From time to time I hear from my readers that they cannot open some of the diversionary pieces that I add to the end of my blog. This is because they are probably .docx documents and in order to be open by others I should convert these to .doc documents and will do so in […]


27 January 2012

Posted by DMC on 28 January 2012 in Diary |

With all my talk yesterday about a moment of Spring I heard on the news this morning that we will very shortly be going into a month of deep freeze, so that will teach me not ‘to count my chickens’ (for my overseas readers, who may be unfamiliar with this term, in its entirety it […]


26 January 2012

Posted by DMC on 27 January 2012 in Diary |

A couple of days ago, Althea – who had been caravanning in France with her husband-returned and cut my toe and fingernails. (To be strictly correct they haven’t got a caravan but a motorvan, so I suppose I just say had been mottorvaning, if there is such a word). Not my favourite element of personal […]

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