12 May 2009

Posted by DMC on 12 May 2009 in Diary |

Up to London again today to Arbitration Club lunch. Stupidly I went to the wrong branch – Bishopsgate instead of Fetter Lane. When I discovered my mistake I grabbed a taxi and was only 10 minutes or so to late. The members are getting used to see me wearing my wrist splint and eating with […]

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5 May 2009

Posted by DMC on 5 May 2009 in Diary |

All went according to plan with the good doctor and Alice put him on an early train to Stansted Airport this morning. I went to London to the Arbitration Club lunch and committee meeting. I just managed it, but had some difficultly in filling the car with petrol. I almost had to ask somebody else […]

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23 April 2009

Posted by DMC on 23 April 2009 in Diary |

After an overnight stop with my mother followed by a day in London – meetings and lunch – this is a good moment to take stock. The first thing I have to say is that the miracle concerning my artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) continues. In other words, I can urinate naturally without squeezing me control […]

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