31 July 2009

Posted by DMC on 31 July 2009 in Diary |

The House of Lords have now given their judgment on the Purdy case where Mrs. P was seeking assurance that her husband would not be prosecuted if he assisted her suicide when the MS, from which she is suffering, becomes intolerable. Not unsurprisingly the Lords did not give such an undertaking, however, they did say that guidelines would be set down for such cases. These can be expected around September, so I suppose, in some respects, this is be can count this as a victory for the Purdys. Undoubtedly the mood of the country, and indeed the judicature, seems to be towards some sort of immunity from prosecution in strictly limited cases.  Watch this space.

On a more mundane level I went to Addenbrookes Hospital today be fitted with some rigid wrist supports. The occupational therapist made them there and then but I think they are going to take some getting used to. They are rather uncomfortable to wear and most of the time I can manage without them.

The great excitement about this particular visit, however, was that I picked up the feeding frame. I think we have got it pretty well right now and I shall try to out myself for the next week or so before attempting to trial it in hospital or a care home.

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