27 February 2010

Posted by DMC on 27 February 2010 in Diary |

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has at last published some guidelines on assisted suicide. As a result, the Prime Minister suggests that this clarification under which those who assist someone to kill themselves may be prosecuted means that “the case for a change in the law is now weaker”. In other words the Prime […]



6 February 2010

Posted by DMC on 6 February 2010 in Diary |

On Saturday night, on Radio Four, the Moral Maze debated the issue of assisted suicide which has been very much in the news recently. There is no doubt in my mind we are heading for a change in the law which will allow loved ones to assist terminally ill or suffering friends or relation to […]



31 January 2010

Posted by DMC on 31 January 2010 in Diary |

British hopes were shattered today when Andy Murray lost, in three sets, in the final of the Australian Open Tennis Championship against an invincible World Number1, Federer. Murray’s record against Federer is good, 6 wins out of 10 matches but never when it comes to a grand slam Not since 1936 has a Britain won […]

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27 January 2010

Posted by DMC on 27 January 2010 in Diary |

I had my lycra gloves fitted at  Addenbrookes Hospital today. My initial impression is that whilst  giving  a certain amount of support to the wrist, at least, the downside is that they restricts what little grasp I have left. In other words,  it is more difficult for me to curl my fingers towards the palm. […]

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21 September 2009

Posted by DMC on 21 September 2009 in Diary |

The City Branch of the Arbitration Club lunch today. This one at the offices of Clifford Chance’s in Bishopsgate, so not too far to travel from Liverpool Street Station. Although I enjoy these lunches I am not sorry that this present round is coming to an end as they are not doing much good to […]

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31 July 2009

Posted by DMC on 31 July 2009 in Diary |

The House of Lords have now given their judgment on the Purdy case where Mrs. P was seeking assurance that her husband would not be prosecuted if he assisted her suicide when the MS, from which she is suffering, becomes intolerable. Not unsurprisingly the Lords did not give such an undertaking, however, they did say […]

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26 July 2009

Posted by DMC on 26 July 2009 in Diary |

The question of assisted suicide and has raised its head again following the death of the conductor Sir Edward Downes and his wife’s mutual suicide, last week in Switzerland at Dignitas. The British Council of Nurses, were virtually split down the middle, over the issue with 49% voting in favour of some sort of assistance […]



3 June 2009

Posted by DMC on 3 June 2009 in Diary |

The House Of Lords today rejected Dianne Pretty’s appeal for immunity from prosecution for persons assisting a suicide. In summary, from a long and important judgment, Lord Bingham held that ‘ Mrs Pretty cannot establish any breach of any convention right’. (Lords Steyn and Hope concurring) I would suggest that anyone who is sufficiently interested […]



23 May 2009

Posted by DMC on 23 May 2009 in Diary |

A quiet day at home after all the birthday excitement. I decided to listen again to a very interesting discussion which it taken place on Radio 4. (Saturday 16 May) in the Unreliable Evidence series – entitled The Law and Death. The subject matter was of particular interest to me as it dealt with the […]


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