21 October 2010
I had a better night last night. Mick had cleverly worked a system of cushions and pillows which held me in a semi-upright position, partly on my back or side so as to facilitate my breathing. It worked, except being unable to move and still coughing, from time to time, I  had to satisfy myself […]
20 October 2010
I had the worst night yesterday since my 22nd. birthday in 1956, in , Melbourne Australia when I suffered from the worst case of chickenpox “doctors had ever seenâ€. I was boarding at the time between flats, with Mrs Hetherington and her pretty 16-year-old daughter, in Brighton . I contracted the chickenpox as a result […]
19 October 2010
I woke up very early but had no idea what time it was but suspected as it  was not much past one o’clock. The nights are the worst time for me, particularly here were I cannot listen to the wireless as I do at home, for fear of disturbing Mick.. Also, my breathing is not […]
18 October 2010
I wake up around 5.30 and hearing Michael stirring cajoled him out of bed so that I could attend to a call of nature which we cleverly managed with me remaining in bed lying down -without the self elevating NHS bed, the business of getting me up in a sitting position was always going to […]
17 October 2010
So we left in a smart limousine, provided by Emirates, just after 5.00 p.m., and, despite the usual roadworks on the M25, arrived at Heathrow in record time. It took a little longer than usual to unload the car and transfer into a wheelchair but once that was accomplished we swept through all the usual […]
16 October 2010
Well the day has arrived. A morning in the office tidying up and then closing down for the next fortnight. I’m taking my laptop with me in the hope that I will be able to blog from the as I did before. In the meantime I do think the readers deserve a spate of new […]
15 October 2010
This is the day the good Dr long arrives and we check that we have all the necessary bits and pieces for a trouble-free holiday. In preparation for that we tried out, last night in bed, the special ‘ incontinence’ pants provided to us by Sue and attached a leg bag on a stand at […]
14 October 2010
Today was one of those rare days when there was universal celebration about a single event. All 33 of the Chilean miners who had been incarcerated half a mile underground for 70 days were safely brought to the surface through a small cylindrical hole that had been drilled down through the solid rock. They survived […]
13 October 2010
I’ve had some very nice complimentary comments about my broadcast although, as ‘my lovely’ pointed out, it is most unlikely that any of your friends would say anything other than nice things about you! I did receive a couple of comments from strangers who had listened to the broadcast and answered them, as I always […]
12 October 2010
My last day, before I go to Thailand, riding round with Griggsy watching the geriatrics play golf. I suspect by the time I get back in early November it may be too chilly for the kilt! I may have to be a little inventive with the equipment recently sent to me by the incontinence lady!! […]