28 July 2012

Posted by DMC on 29 July 2012 in Diary |

Shortly before we went to bed last night there was a knock on the door, which turned out to be some local schoolchildren delivering the local paper. The reason for knocking was then wondered whether we knew we had a hedgehog in the garden. They had spotted a tiny baby hedgehog on the garden path […]


27 July 2012

Posted by DMC on 28 July 2012 in Diary |

The big day has arrived. The opening ceremony for the 2012 Olympic Games. Then our case it was a little bit of anti-climax as it did not start until nine o’clock and went on until midnight. As a result we saw nothing of the today but my good friend Paul’ the computer’ downloaded for me […]


26 July 2012

Posted by DMC on 27 July 2012 in Diary |

What are the burning issues of the day, just 24 hours or so before the grand opening ceremony for the 2012 Olympic Games, held in London? The first raspberry is awarded to the official, within the Olympic development team, responsible for the flags of all competing nations, who managed to show the northern Korean flag […]


25 July 2012

Posted by DMC on 26 July 2012 in Diary |

The third of a run of fine summer’s days. The irony is that having waited all winter for a day warm enough for me to get out into the garden, it is now too hot (28°C/29°C). I find that after half an hour or so and in the garden in that heat, that I am […]


24 July 2012

Posted by DMC on 25 July 2012 in Diary |

What a day of comings and goings!. After the two morning carers had left and I had got stuck into my blog then a friend of Alice’s, from early childhood in Wales, Mark York, dropped in (invited!) for lunch. Then, shortly after, the midday carer arrive. At three o’clock, Richard Walker, the area manager for […]


23 July 2012

Posted by DMC on 24 July 2012 in Diary |

The first task I had to sort out today was the muddle. I managed to get myself into over the 14-17 July entries to this blog. It is all to do with trying to respect the wishes of my reader, Penny de Quincey, in publishing details of her husband’s last days, an immensely personal but […]


22 July 2012

Posted by DMC on 24 July 2012 in Diary |

When I woke up this morning the nausea had passed, thank heavens, and I was able to resume eating normally. Dear Chloe was of enormous help in assisting me to print up to date the hardcopy of this blog before she left mid-afternoon. There was a certainly a surfeit of sport on the television, apart […]


21 July 2012

Posted by DMC on 23 July 2012 in Diary |

Another dramatic incident. Last night I woke up in the early hours and reached out from my alarm-there was nothing there- and after working my arm free, which seemed to take forever, although flailing around in the world did not make contact with the alarm button. I therefore relied on my voice yelling for the […]


20 July 2012

Posted by DMC on 21 July 2012 in Diary |

Here we are with seven days to go until the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games and the saboteurs are at work! There is a threat of a strike from some civil servants workers. I am not quite sure which branch, but something to do with immigration which will certainly disrupt the flow of […]


19 July 2012

Posted by DMC on 20 July 2012 in Diary |

Russell’ the lounge chair engineer’ came this morning and quickly identified the problem, it was confined to the hand control unit. This was replaced and chair, once again, worked perfectly well. There was a little problem, in lowering me, with the new sling, in an upright position, it is absolutely useless if I am slumping […]

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