12 May 2009
Up to London again today to Arbitration Club lunch. Stupidly I went to the wrong branch – Bishopsgate instead of Fetter Lane. When I discovered my mistake I grabbed a taxi and was only 10 minutes or so to late. The members are getting used to see me wearing my wrist splint and eating with […]
10 May 2009
I managed Lord’s quite well Alice took me to the station and the travel was okay. I now tend to keep my travel card in a plastic pocket hanging around my neck as I find it almost impossible to get my hand in my pocket to produce it. I did have a bit of a […]
5 May 2009
All went according to plan with the good doctor and Alice put him on an early train to Stansted Airport this morning. I went to London to the Arbitration Club lunch and committee meeting. I just managed it, but had some difficultly in filling the car with petrol. I almost had to ask somebody else […]
Jamie Oliver – Eat Your Heart Out
I have always had a penchant for all things culinary so when I returned home from a summer holiday to find our plum trees groaning with fruit and then happened to come across our ancient horde of Kilner jars, it is not surprising that I embarked on the following adventure. How I lost my Bottle […]
Rugger Days
I should perhaps explain what I alluded to about me being a sickly youth. An obvious target for the school bully. My saving grace was that I was brighter than most of the thugs who set about me, to my further detriment, as their fists rained down, I never let them forget it! The problem […]
2 May 2009
Al. and I were in fits of giggles this morning trying on my ‘skirt’ (kilt). It looked very weird until we to took the tacking out of the pleats. Unfortunately the 38 inch waist may prove to be too big certainly if I lose any weight, which is my intention. Kilts are not easy to […]
Links Index
Rugger Days Jamie Oliver -Eat Your Heart Out New Year’s Eve The Cricket Match World Monopoly Champion Treading the Boards at Sadler’s Wells China And Thailand Mark Cato – the life of his carer in China and Thailand, October 20-November 5, 2009 The Top 10 of Everything Bananas Old Farmer’s Advice Astronomers Select Top 10 […]
1 May 2009
A red letter day in more than one sense. Most important of all I picked up the third prototype of my feeding frame. My larger elastic waistband trousers arrived and so did my kilt. I collected the feeding frame late afternoon and therefore I’ve had no time to examine in it detail. The larger elasticated […]