31 October 2010
Last night warned is very disappointing. It was a nightmare I had at least three or four panic calls to ‘ my lovely’. I simply could not breathe and needed to sit up. The good Dr is still here, who, I am glad to say, slept the best part of 11 hours whilst all this […]
30 October 2010
The journey home went as smooth as silk. I drive from Hua Hin to the airport, transfers to various wheelchairs, whizzing through the diplomatic channels for security and passport control, making our connection from Dubai to London after a brief visit to duty-free and then a very comfortable limousine ride home – courtesy of Emirates […]
29 October 2010
Last evening we attended welcome cocktail party, held weekly to introduce new guests each other and normally held on the beach. Due to the uncertainty of the weather, management decided to transfer it it upstairs, to the area adjacent to the reception. This, of course, posed a slight problem with the wheelchair that was readily […]
28 October 2010
Our last full day, we leave around 4 p.m. tomorrow. Again there was a tremendous storm last night so the rainy season clearly is not yet over. This unpredictable weather must make It extremely difficult for the hotel staff to plan their outside events such as tonight’s cocktail party and buffet dinner down by the […]
27 October 2010
 We woke  to a completely grey, overcast, sky. The first since we arrived. Apparently there had been to terrific storm shortly after I had laid down to sleep. Loud claps of thunder accompanied by lightning, none of which I was aware. It’s the old story, once my head hits the pillow I fall into […]
26 October 2010
I am just over halfway through Sister and am finding it increasingly fascinating. It is well written and her use of language is admirable. So far I would not classify it as a ‘ page turner’, however, I will defer my final judgement until I’ve completed the book and see what is the inevitable twist […]
25 October 2010
I really hadn’t intended to do an entry today but I suspect that they were getting rather ‘samey’ but then I realised I should perhaps have mentioned last night’s video which was so ‘none-me’ as to be of interest to the reader. It is, or was – as we were too tired to finish it […]
24 October 2010
Last night’s sleep was the best I’ve had since I’ve been here. Almost back to normal — three pillows instead of two. With a light covering I was able to turn, by myself, from one side to the other, which was a great relief. I slept for three hours and then unfortunately had to disturb […]
23 October 2010
Again, an okay night. I started off in Michael’s  ‘nest’ but after a couple of hours sitting on the bones of my bottom this became extremely uncomfortable and I really had to move. The duvet was too heavy and trapped my weak legs so it was no easy task. However, I managed to slip onto […]
22 October 2010
The nest worked. After a bit of a struggle Michael got me into it and after I had taken a grip on myself and calmed down. I relaxed by taking slow deep breaths and my breathing became more controlled. Perhaps it was Michael’s threat to send me to a hospital if I didn’t fxxxxxxx pull […]