7 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 7 November 2011 in Diary |

A footnote to the tragic story of the multiple car crash near Taunton yesterday. It has now been is now been confirmed that dense smoke from the bonfire allegedly, lit by the local rugby club, adjacent to the motorway, was certainly the principal cause of the accident. Presumably the unsuspecting motorist went from totally clear […]


6 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 7 November 2011 in Diary |

Well, we survived Guy Fawkes’ night without mishap avoiding any spent rockets landing on our thatched roof, this despite various local bonfire and firework parties going on in adjacent, or near adjacent, properties. We were fairly relaxed this year as we had 19 cm of rain, (which would have thoroughly soaked the thatch) last night, […]


5 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 6 November 2011 in Diary |

Guy Fawkes’ Day. Gunpowder, treason and plot and all that. The day we dread most in the yearly calendar due to living in a house with a thatched roof. Any carelessly pointed rocket could end up on the roof with its contents still smouldering, and hey presto, a lovely house would go up in flames. […]


4 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 5 November 2011 in Diary |

I heard, during the night, on the BBC World Service, that the Greek Prime Minister has changed his mind about the referenda, I’ve no doubt under political pressure. I think it is felt that there will be a vote of confidence mounted shortly and he will probably go and a general election called. In any […]


3 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 4 November 2011 in Diary |

My lovely’ left for London early this morning. She got me up onto the edge of the bed drinking my early morning tea and then handed me over to the good Dr. Mick is well used to looking after me as he did so, single-handedly, in Sweden. In fact ,he’s just about the only civilian […]


2 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 3 November 2011 in Diary |

Capitalism in Crisis . The motto adopted by the protesters camping on the steps of St Paul’s Cathedral. Hallo there! Do you think the rest of us are asleep and not aware that capitalism is in crisis? The finance ministers from the countries in the developed world have been scratching their heads now for two […]


1 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 2 November 2011 in Diary |

Last night was Halloween butt we were not plagued with ghosts or ghoulies orthe local children knocking on the door offering’ tririck or treat’. Alice had a goodly provision of chocolate biscuits and other goodies to hand out in case we had our usual visit and we opted for ‘treat’. but, this year,they left us […]


31 October 2011

Posted by DMC on 1 November 2011 in Diary |

The day of my cataract operation has arrived. I left home this morning at around 11, complete with my two respirator masks, not knowing whether they would be able to carry out the procedure or not. It was all about lying flat for 30 min or so and their being able to work around the […]

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