15 April 2012
I had a relatively pain-free night, having gone to bed at 9.40. Maybe this is something to do with the slow-release painkiller (tramadol). There does not seem to be very much rhyme or reason why one night should be so much worse than the next. I will discuss this with my MND team next week […]
14 April 2012
The day of the Grand National. England’s most famous race over hurdles. It’s the one day of the year when millions of people, who would not normally have bet on a horse, will consider having a flutter. (‘My lovely’ too, it transpired after the race!) Apparently, through the medium of television, the race is watched […]
13 April 2012
Yesterday, I mentioned the standing hoist and as I get weaker my face gets dangerously close to the crossbar. As a result we have modified this by strapping a small pillow to this bar. We also found the front of the foot stand rather sharp and hard on the soles of one’s feet when the […]
12 April 2012
I received an e-mail, yesterday afternoon from Doctor Margaret Saunders, who runs the Arthur Rank hospice. She was the person who made the original consultation with the pain doctor, Mark Abrahams from Addenbrookes, so she had a vested interest in trying to find a solution. She has discussed this with Joanna Sassons, my MND coordinator […]
11 April 2012
I had another miserable night after the initial sleep, waking around midnight, with painful joints. First one and then the other until around 4 a.m it was quite severe but, although I clicked the alarm twice during the night, I did so only 10 min or so before ‘my lovely’ was due down to turn […]
10 April 2012
I sacrificed my visit to the golf club today for a visit from somebody who rang me last week but from whom I had failed to make a note. In the event there was no visitor and no telephone call. Maybe I’m going a little dippy and imagined the whole thing! In any event, the […]
9 April 2012
Easter Monday, is traditionally a Bank Holiday. For the shopaholics, who complained bitterly that they were not allowed to shop on Easter Sunday, it means that they can now satisfy their urge go shopping for ‘bargains’ – how sad! In our case there was still the Arts and Craft Exhibition in the village hall which […]
8 April 2012
I think we have cracked the night pain, for the time being anyway, until I speak to the pain consultant. We have reverted to including the paracetamol-2000 m.g – and this seems to hold off the severe pain long enough between being turned every couple of hours. A pretty miserable day. So far as the […]
7 April 2012
Due to on-going problems with Google the domain where my site is located has been hacked into again. This means that all websites associated with this host can have their hits redirected for this site to site of the hackers choice, usually a commercial one. It is therefore important that, for the time being at […]
6 April 2012-Good Friday
The beginning of the Easter holiday and one of the most important days in the Christian calendar for those who believe. Although sunny and bright. There was a chilly wind so sadly I was prohibited, by ‘my lovely’ to spend time in the garden. I’m sure she’s right. Having come through two winters without catching […]