26 March 2012
The fine weather continues so I started the day by booking Ollie for the golf club tomorrow. As I said in an earlier entry, Englishman seem to adore commenting on the weather. Maybe it’s just because it’s a good icebreaker when you’re meeting a stranger for the first time. Anyway, the point I was […]
25 March 2012
Another beautiful day. The trouble is people are already beginning to wonder whether this is going to be like last year when we had our summer, so to speak in April and early May. Then, the weather was superb and relatively warm the time of year. After that early period of beautiful weather the rest […]
24 March 2012
Another bad night, basically because of pain in my hips and. buttocks. I am beginning to wonder whether it is possibly anything to do with sitting in the same position for around 11 hours each day as I am totally immobile and cannot even move a fraction in order to relieve the pressure at least. […]
23 March 2012
Continuing the saga of the pressure cushion, about which I wrote yesterday, I rang the manufacturers but they were not a great deal of help. They didn’t seem to think it was necessary to adjust the pressure in the cushion, despite the weight loss, although they did appreciate that a cushion in the wheelchair could […]
22 March 2012
Another uncomfortable night in bed with sporadic periods of pain in the usual places. By now I would have hoped that the injections, I had at the pain clinic in Addenbrookes, would have kicked in. I suppose the alternative, if these injections have not done the trick, would be to increase the dosage of painkillers […]
21 March 2012
My mother and Richard were driven down from Church Stretton, Shropshire, today for lunch. It seems a very long way to come to such a short time but my mother is 95 and Richard only a couple of years younger, so from 12 to 3 was quite long enough for all of us.. Again we […]
20 March 2012
Today is the last day of winter or looked at the other way the first day of spring. Why today? Well, when Julius Caesar established his calendar in 45 BC it set March 25 as the spring equinox – the time when the length of day and night are roughly equal. (is the Latin for […]
19 March 2012
The astute reader will realise that I wrote nothing yesterday on Mother’s Day. This should not be confused with Mothering Sunday, a Christian festival which falls on the fourth Sunday after Lent and is celebrated throughout Europe. In the UK however secularly in 17th or 18th century it became the only day that domestic servants […]
18 March 2012
18 March 2012 Following on from my comments yesterday on Rees Mogg’s article in The Times, ‘ Protect traditional marriage for which children’s sake’, ‘my lovely’ presented me with a full-page advertisement from The Times, placed by Coalition for Marriage, claiming that 70% of people say keep marriage as it is. It goes on to […]
17 March 2012
There were two issues in articles in The Times over the last couple of days that ‘my lovely’ cut out for me to read , as they are both matters about which we both have strong views. The first concerned experimenting on animals, testing out new drugs etc in the interest of research. It is […]