6 March 2012

Posted by DMC on 7 March 2012 in Diary |

Today’s entry will be very brief, which will no doubt please those of you who find that they are generally too long and you don’t have time to read them. The point being that this is the first entry made using my new laptop and my new User profile on Dragon. Paul’ the Computer came […]


5 March 2012

Posted by DMC on 6 March 2012 in Diary |

The ‘nose only’ mask proved to be a great success. It was much softer and more comfortable, and proved to be much more intrusive than the full plastic mask, which covers both nose and mouth.. This being the case, I shall revert to using this one as long as I can, in order to give […]


4 March 2012

Posted by DMC on 5 March 2012 in Diary |

A relatively comfortable night but not one entirely free of pain. However, I am comforted in the knowledge that I can expect the nerve block in my shoulder to be just as painful, if not more than it was before the injection, for the next month or so, after which I should start to feel […]


3 March 2012

Posted by DMC on 4 March 2012 in Diary |

My dear daughter Chloe managed to persuade the Amazon people that, due to my disability, I had been unable to spend my £40 book token, with no fuss at all. they extended the period of purchase by six months, so I spend an hour or so this morning looking through the various list of books […]


2 March 2012

Posted by DMC on 3 March 2012 in Diary |

Not wishing for another episode like that from which I suffered a few nights ago when the respirator stopped delivering air, due to the pipe, connecting it to the machine, having come loose, we switched to a new headset which I had been given, on one of my visits to Papworth hospital, some time ago. […]


1 March 2012

Posted by DMC on 2 March 2012 in Diary |

Dragon are up to their old tricks again and yesterday I received the following e-mail. We have not heard from you concerning your request for support in the 14 days since we sent you a response. Consequently, we have changed the status of your question to Auto-Closed. If you still require any further assistance on […]


29 February 2012

Posted by DMC on 1 March 2012 in Diary |

Most people will realise that today is a special Leap Year Day, which only occurs once every four years, (bad luck if you’re born on 29th of February, and you only get a birthday every four years!. The reason for having a leap year is that it takes 365 ¼. days for the earth to […]


28 February 2012

Posted by DMC on 29 February 2012 in Diary |

Great excitement yesterday. Having determined that the corrupt USB ports may be at the root of many of the problems from which I have suffered with this laptop over the last six months, I completed a Financial Assistance form, sent to me by the MND Association, except there was one section I could not fill […]


27 February 2012

Posted by DMC on 28 February 2012 in Diary |

A very satisfactory night with minimal pain despite the pain consultant saying that I could suffer more severe pain in my shoulder for the next month after which it should get better for a year or so. So far all I’ve done is to cut out the paracetamol and double the dose of the amitriptyline […]


26 February 2012

Posted by DMC on 27 February 2012 in Diary |

Thank goodness a trouble-free night despite me being slightly apprehensive as the mask was clamped on before going down. Quite illogical as the problem which occurred the night before is unlikely to recur. Another lovely spring like day, but not quite warm enough for me to sit out in the garden. We have an old […]

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