20 May 2010
The transition from hospital to home went remarkably smoothly thanks to the preparations made by ‘ my lovely’. Our most helpful OT, Sarah Moss, had arranged with Social Services for two lady helpers to come in and put me to bed, anticipating that the whole process would have to be carried out using the hoist […]
19 May 2010
My last day in hospital. I’m writing this from the discharge lounge, or rather from the sunny courtyard attached to it. – it is the most beautiful early summer’s day. I’m fully dressed and equipped with my marvellous pulpit frame, ready to go home but have been told I might be here for some hours […]
18 May 2010
Earlier, when I told the reader how I spent a typical day in hospital, Â I completely forgot to mention the food which is so often criticised. I have to say again I was very pleasantly surprised at the quality. The breakfast was pretty basic. Various fruit juices. cereals and toast. Lunch, and indeed the evening […]
17 May 2010
I had hoped to go home today or tomorrow at the very latest. However, ‘my lovely’ rang this morning to say there had been a bit of a problem with the support .staff and it would now have to be Wednesday, after lunch, I must say I was desperately disappointed but will just have to […]
16 May 2010
Oh, joy of joys. I was placed on the loo before my shower -the second in consecutive days – again with my leg wrapped in a rubbish bag.      Who would have thought one could get so excited over such every day events that we all normally take for granted? ‘My lovely’ turned up just before […]
15 May 2010
Another great day as far as mobility is concerned, no hoist just the pulpit frame. What is a typical day here like for me for me here in hospital? I usually start my day at around for a listening to the World Service on the BBC, until radio four takes over at 5:30 a.m. Breakfast […]
14 May 2010
Great excitement today. When the doctor was doing his rounds, I suggested that they could perhaps consider some sort of caliper that supported my knee taking the weight off  the lower leg. The doctor said he would speak to the orthopaedics about it and, as a result, I was visited late this afternoon by the […]
13 May 2010
Another red letter day my darling daughter Chloe’s birthday. She also broke the good news was that she had been made a consultant clinical psychologist at the Maudsley Hospital, where she works. It is a great feather in her cap as it is one of the leading hospitals in the world in her particular discipline. […]
12 May 2010
I am still here (in hospital) desperately waiting to get home. Our local OT, Sarah Moss, has been an absolute star and has already had an NHS bed, hoist and ramps delivered at home. The only thing keeping me here now is recruiting staff to come in morning and evening to hoist me out of […]
8 April 2010
My quarterly assessment at Addenbrooke’s Hospital today with Dr Chris Allen and Shelagh Smith. They noted the comments from Papworth Hospital but in summary considered I was doing quite well. When pressed, which Chris is never very keen about, he speculated that my arms might well continue as they for some months and that I […]