9 September 2009
Arbitration Club lunches, yesterday it was the Mother Club and today the Oil and Gas branch, both mercifully within walking distance of Liverpool Street Station. I was also able to pick up my visa from the Chinese Embassy before the Tuesday lunch. The third of the one day matches against Australia today, which again, resulted […]
1 September 2009
I went to London today to the Law Court Branch of the Arbitration Club Lunch. I drove to Bishop’s Stortford but on the way decided to fill up with petrol. Unable to lift the lever releasing the petrol cap and also being too weak to squeeze the pump, I asked a kindly looking customer for […]
12 May 2009
Up to London again today to Arbitration Club lunch. Stupidly I went to the wrong branch – Bishopsgate instead of Fetter Lane. When I discovered my mistake I grabbed a taxi and was only 10 minutes or so to late. The members are getting used to see me wearing my wrist splint and eating with […]
5 May 2009
All went according to plan with the good doctor and Alice put him on an early train to Stansted Airport this morning. I went to London to the Arbitration Club lunch and committee meeting. I just managed it, but had some difficultly in filling the car with petrol. I almost had to ask somebody else […]
6 March 2009
Returned home today having had a great time. I managed, just, with Michael’s help and some understanding stewards on the aircraft. Apart from resigning from the golf club I have also resigned from my last arbitration. It was a very heavy case and likely to go on for some months. Being unable to write legibly, […]
15 May 2008
I made my annual pilgrimage to Cyprus where I have taught for the lost 10 years or so. This time I gave my lectures to the local technical Institute (ETEK) as well as addressing the Cyprus branch of The Arbitration Club.