30 April 2010
I had a lovely day out with son, Smiler. The idea, as much as anything, was to give a brief respite to carer Number one..We drove through the picturesque Lavenham to Sudbury in Suffolk to visit Gainsborough’s House. It has a very fine collection of his painting and as well some of the artists associated […]
29 April 2010
Graham Smith very kindly came round this afternoon to get me started on WordPress so that I can eventually make all my own entries on this blog. According to Richard the text is no problem, it is what I choose to describe as the ‘ twiddly bits’ – the Anecdotes; Videos; Photos and Jokes which […]
28 April 2010
Work continues on the wet room and  the path and the engineer came and fixed the chair -it turned out to be just a loose cable. I received an e-mail today from Patrick Joyce who has been selected by the MND Association as a serious face of MND. Patrick is an artist who was diagnosed […]
27 April 2010
Son Smiler’s birthday. He went off on the day with Kimberly so I shall catch up with him later. It was the most beautiful day, really quite warm and the joy to join the geriatrics at the golf club. I confess I’ve probably rode in the buggy with Griggsy, a little more than I actually […]
26 April 2010
the house seems to be swarming with workmen. Conversion of the downstairs bathroom into a wet from proceeds apace, albeit rather slowly than we would wished. Paul and Bill. Our faithful hound handymen started today relaying the entire front path, currently aged in oh handmade bricks filled in between pieces of broken paving slabs with […]
21 April 2010
Suddenly the ban on flying was lifted. 15 hours earlier in Europe than in the UK. It seems that the risk was over stated. Now the writs begin to fly, for compensation! The application form for Election as a Trustee to the MND Association, came today. So now it’s crunch time. I must decide whether […]
20 April 2010
Another beautiful spring day for my walk with the geriatrics (or perhaps I should say walk and ride as I shared a buggy from time to time, with John Stevens). The sun shone and the cause may be that there was a bone chilling icy winter which took the edge of the outing.
19 April 2010
I addressed the Rotary Club of Harlow, today, of which I was a member some 45 years ago. I only had 20 minutes so to speak so I mixed Life Is an Accident with snippets from The Anecdotal Ramblings of an Elderly Arbitrator. The talk went down reasonably well and the club kindly donated £50 […]
18 April 2010
Mark Tully’s, Radio Four  Sunday morning slot, Something Understood, today dealt with the, Power of Positive Thinking -something in which I had always strongly believed. This led me to wondering how effective is this blog, on my readers, in terms of imparting positive thinking to them. The blog is, after all, all about Living – […]
17 April 2010
We are now in the third day of the effects of the volcanic ash clouds drifting over the UK and Europe from Iceland. Air traffic is at a complete standstill, food is rotting (why not give it away free to the local poor rather than allowing it to rot? One reason I heard was that […]