25 January 2012
The other major item occupying much media space is the question of independence for Scotland.. The Scottish Nationalists are seeking a referendum on the topic but want to wait as long as possible in order to persuade the populace to vote for it, whereas the Tories are keen to get on and hold it sooner […]
24 January 2012
The eye, from which the cataract was removed, seems fine. The first 24 hours being the most critical, i so far as haemorrhaging or infection is concerned. I had to split up the various eye drops into two separate dishes for the girls as there are three different capsules one-for-one eye and two for the […]
23 January 2012
Last night was uneventful. I used my normal ‘nose only’ respirator without any repetition of the alarm on the night before. So hopefully that was just a one-off. I should know better when the good doctor arrives in a fortnight’s time and we continue our habit of cracking a bottle of champagne each evening. I […]
22 January 2012
We had our first disturbed night around 12 o’clock. I found that I was having great difficulty breathing under the’ nose only’ respirator. Both nostrils were semi-blocked and I was having to force the air into my lungs. After 10 or 15 min. I slightly panicked and hit the alarm button for ‘ my lovely’. […]
21 January 2012
Gong Xi Fa Cai! My best wishes to all of my Chinese readers for a happy, healthy and successful New Year I hope the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre will forgive me reproducing their card to me but I am rather handicapped in finding an original one of my own. The captain of the tragic […]
20 January 2012
I have a confession to make. When I first started this blog a little over four years ago, my objective was to share with other MND sufferers and their carers, in effect, how I would die from MND, making the best of every day that I had left. I had no idea how long this […]
19 January 2012
Alice had great difficulty this morning in turning off the respirator. Somehow water got into it from the humidifier. She called to the emergency helpline who produced a new one. within a couple of hours. I must say I’m very impressed with this service but then I suppose if you literally rely upon a respirator […]
18 January 2012
On the matter of the problems with Dragon. I shall no longer comment in this blog as having decided to consider whether or not to take them to court, if I do the matter becomes ‘sub judice‘ and therefore I cannot comment on it. I will let the readers know the outcome. We seem to […]
17 January 2012
The tragic accident involving the cruise ship, Costa Concordia, off the coast of Italy continues to incite a lot of comment in the pree as more details of what actually happened are revealed. In a nutshell the blame is alleged to be that of the captain who apparently deviated from the authorised navigable channel to […]
16 January 2012
After spending nearly 4 hours yesterday morning Trying to complete my blog entry with more stops and starts than I care to remember, and much of it using my splendid finger to tap out words letter by letter, I decided that my patience ihad really had come to an end and that I would put […]