China and Thailand – Carer’s Comments
Now the carer’s point of version of the same trip CATO Mark The life of his Carer in China and Thailand. October 20- November 5 2009 Hi all, I have now taken full control of his bottom. I cannot go through another episode like the one at Dubai airport. His bowels are now regular. In […]
10 November 2009
A beautiful, if chilly day. For my usual walk around the golf course with the Tuesday geriatrics. I managed the full 18 holes with just an occasional rest.
9 November 2009
I gave a talk through the No.1 London Rotary club today. Just a 20 minute condensed version of my life since I was a member on this club 45 years ago. The motto of Rotary International is Service above Self which seems to fit in very neatly with the objective on this blog. The talk […]
The Singing Dog
Mark introduces us to his singing dog, Worlington…
China and Thailand
20 October 2009 Not a very auspicious start to our journey when the limousine driver couldn’t find the house. However, having persuaded Emirates to pick us up at six o’clock rather than 7.15, in the event, this did not turn out to be a disaster. I cannot imagine how, or why Emirates would have suggested […]
Medical Humour
A woman brought a very limp duck into a veterinary surgeon’s office. As she laid her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird’s chest. After a moment or two he shook his head sadly and said, “I’m sorry. Your duck Cuddles has passed away.” The distressed woman wailed, “Are you […]
Cheltenham Races
A group of primary school infants, accompanied by two female teachers, went on a field trip to Cheltenham races to see and learn about thoroughbred horses. When it was time to take the children to the toilet, it was decided that the girls would go with one teacher and the boys would go with the […]
Ode to a Golf Ball
Had William Wordsworth been a golfer, he would have written something like this about a golf ball ! In My Hand I Hold A Ball, White And Dimpled, Rather Small. Oh, How Bland It Does Appear, This Harmless Looking Little Sphere. By Its Size I Could Not Guess, The Awesome Strength It Does Possess. But Since […]
8 November 2009
That’s about it on the physical side. Nothing too alarming. I think the reader deserves a veritable feast of anecdotes, jokes etc. for some light relief. After all we must not lose sight of the objective of this blog. It is not all about me dying. Although it started out as Dying to Live with […]
5 November 2009
After a good  night’s sleep, Mick and I spent the day in my office beginning to catch up with more e-mails, thank you e-mails to all those wonderful people who had been so kind to us on our visit etc. neither of us being prepared to recognise that there is anything approaching jet lag. However […]