27 January 2010
I had my lycra gloves fitted at Addenbrookes Hospital today. My initial impression is that whilst giving a certain amount of support to the wrist, at least, the downside is that they restricts what little grasp I have left. In other words,  it is more difficult for me to curl my fingers towards the palm. […]
14 January 2010
My quarterly MND assessment at Addenbrookes Hospital today. Really there was very little to discuss other than the obvious deterioration of hands, arms and particularly legs. As usual I pressed Dr Alan to predict the rate of deterioration. Unwillingly he agreed that I would almost certainly eventually lose the use of my hands followed by […]
New Year’s Eve 2009
Michael left early this morning to spend the New Year’s Eve celebration with his family in Sweden. A brief but happy visit. A visit to Addenbrooke’s Hospital this morning for a fitting for lycra gloves. It seems that they have no experience in trying out these ‘second skin’ gloves for MND patients. It will certainly […]
18 December 2009
We had a heavy snowfall overnight but woke to the most beautiful day – bright blue sky. The garden an our thatched cottage looks very pretty, a scene straight off a sentimental Christmas card, also reminiscent of my younger days on the ski slopes. Jodie from AbilityNet was due today to give me a couple […]
13 November 2009
Visit today to Addenbrookes Hospital to see Maggie the occupational therapist for some different wrist supports to assist me to hold my cutlery has my left hand has become very weak. Bill and Paul came to do a few odd jobs and amongst other things stuck my rubber (wicket gloves) pimpled material (provided by my […]
8 October 2009
Horror of horrors, wisdom tooth extraction day. Went to Addenbrookes at lunchtime to have it yanked out. Not a happy experience particularly as they managed to break the tooth and leave a small part of the root behind, which meant a lot of poking, a certain amount of cutting and the loudest drilling that I’ve […]
10 September 2009
My quarterly assessments with me MND team at Addenbrookes today. A little earlier than usual in order to clear me medically to go to China. However, I made it clear that whatever they said I would still be going. In the event, I got the all clear to fly – no likely breathing problems. The […]
4 September 2009
Today a courier arrived with an oximeter for me to use in preparation for my visit to Papworth Hospital next Monday. I believe that they are testing for any possible weakening in my diaphragm which will ultimately affect my breathing. All I have to do is to wear a clip, overnight, on my forefinger, attached […]
31 July 2009
The House of Lords have now given their judgment on the Purdy case where Mrs. P was seeking assurance that her husband would not be prosecuted if he assisted her suicide when the MS, from which she is suffering, becomes intolerable. Not unsurprisingly the Lords did not give such an undertaking, however, they did say […]
2 July 2009
Today I had my quarterly MND assessment at Addenbrookes Hospital Cambridge. Having explained the deterioration in my hands and arms the doctor was not surprised and said, on the whole ‘I was doing very well’. In other words, I am going downhill pretty much at the rate that they anticipated (although of course, he neither […]